Over the course of my research degree, I focused on producing an interactive information tool for people affected by cancer (PABC). The research explored how fundamental design principles can contribute to a positive user experience in this challenging context by combating issues such as usability and accessibility. Visual interactions influenced the design of the information tool as an approach to minimise the inconvenience of reading extensive volumes of text regarding cancer information.
Project Research
As this project focused on creating an information tool for PABC it was essential to involve potential users throughout the design process and discover users needs and requirements. Online workshops were conducted in order to gather user input and experiences. This solution map was created based on issues established by participants.
Visual Research
During the early stages of the project I focused on researching existing health and cancer apps. During this process I identified strengths and weaknesses which could influence the design. I also recognised common colour schemes used within healthcare apps. As my app design focused on delivering information, I looked at methods of visually providing information such as infographics.
User Personas (PATHY)
Empathising with potential users was a significant part of the research. I discovered a method called PATHY which combines empathy maps and personas. I applied this method in the creation of user personas which helped me to recognise user requirements whilst also applying empathy within the design.
User Workshops
Workshops were conducted in order to gain an understanding of users requirements and needs. These workshops were also designed to help provide a comprehension of whether participants believed empathetic design would be a necessary component of the design. Task 5 established the recognition of the importance of design principles in areas such as increasing readability.
User Flow Maps
It was important to create several user flow maps to explore design possibilities and recognise the best method of navigation which was easy and convenient for the user.
Medium Fidelity Wireframes
Medium fidelity wireframes were created to explore possible designs. The first design focuses specifically on lung cancer whereas the second design recognises a more generic approach which allows further reach to PABC.
Icon Designs
An icon design was essential as this would be displayed on the phone home screen. After sketching designs I combined the recognised cancer icon of a ribbon and a road to represent a cancer journey. Visual research also helped to establish that a purple colour would be appropriate.
I also created icons which would be displayed throughout the application. I then simplified these icons in order to create a more user friendly experience.
High Fidelity Wireframe
The high fidelity wireframe displays the design of the application and recognised the necessary steps to navigate through the application.
App Interactions
In order to test the prototype, it was made interactive for users to examine the usability and accessibility. This process would provide feedback which would contribute to an iterative process of improving the app.
Application Mock-Ups
If you would like to interact with the prototype yourself the interactive prototype link is available: